Men’s Breakfast Group
The Men's Breakfast will meet today at the Lyndon City Diner on Manheim Pike, at 8:00 a.m. Future Breakfasts will be the second Wednesday of the month, same time and location.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
10:00 AM in the Fireside Room. All are welcome! Pastor Tim is leading a Bible Study on Ezekiel. Please join us for this informative time.
Adult Sunday School
Everyone is invited to attend Adult Sunday School in the Fireside Room.
Sunday Service
Community Meal at East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church
This meal for 250 will include a baked potato with chili; cornbread or roll; applesauce or fruit cup; and homemade cookies. If you are interested in providing needed food items, or helping at the meal, please see the Social Ministry table to sign-up. Please Note: Social Ministry has settled on the above noted menu as…
Adult Sunday School
Everyone is invited to attend Adult Sunday School in the Fireside Room.
Sunday Service
Church Council Meeting
Meeting will be held in the Fireside Room.
Church Outreach Events:
AA meets every day from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the Happy Hour Room
Al-Anon meets on Thursday Evenings from 8 pm to 9 pm in the Happy Hour Room